Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Grody to the max

Listening to: The merry buzz of my air conditioner

Jobless. Pudgier. Pimplier.

I'm effing pathetic.

On the other hand, I assembled a lot of furniture over the weekend, all by my lonesome - even some really heavy things, like the bookcase and tv table. But my apartment looks like a million bucks now, minus the cat-vomit stains, the continued presence of a trillion cat hairs (sense a pattern?), and my own inability to keep objects off the floor.

But! my light switch is FINALLY fixed. Now I can see how bad my skin is, how filthy my bathtub is, and how much my legs need shaving.

Jeez. I'm a downer today.

I think it's because I haven't watched Bob yet. The Price is Right solves all maladies. That's why sick people and old people watch it.

1 comment:

cahaya said...

Hey there, Slicey. Just dropping in to check out your new blog. It's the first time I've ever heard of "Grody to the max"!