Friday, May 25, 2007


Listening to - Steely Dan - Deacon Blues

I have to commit to this crap if I'm ever going to get any respect.

Respect for blogging...



Still jobless on this 25th day of May. What the hell am I supposed to do for money - dive for pennies in the Love Park fountain? Sell my body to the night, a la Roxanne? I don't understand why it's so effing hard to get a stupid summer job. I never had this problem before - I've applied for some pretty easy stuff - banquet-waitressing, freelance columnist-ing... I don't know what else I can do.

Plus-side, though. I just received a call from the Honickman Learning Center. They seem to be interested in having me teach some English and writing in the fall. Teaching experience, morality-reward, and perhaps a little wallet lining. Which'll be especially nice once it hits me that I'm not going to be getting my stipend anymore.

Unrelated: I'm very mad at Isis for being a bad bad car and malfunctioning. She's been in service since 9am, and I'm suspicious. I really hope there's nothing serious wrong with her.

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