Saturday, May 26, 2007


Listening to: Of Montreal - I Was Never Young

My apartment is the embodiment of leprosy. Which is really bad, considering the rent I pay to live here.

Yesterday, I had the unfortunate mishap of knocking a lit charcoal puck while... well, it's not important what I was doing... but it fell on my floor and singed my carpet, so I'm strategically placing furniture for the time being.

The pile of boxes in the corner I recently discovered can be simply thrown into the trash room, rather than stacked up on a cart, wheeled down to the bottom floor, then wheeled some more over to the vomit-inducing-stinky dumpster. The vaccuum bag desperately needs to be changed, but I have high hopes that after it is, my carpet will gleam a million shades brighter. Those damn cats haven't been helping with all their puking and hairballs. There are some stains that seltzer simply can't eliminate.

MUST get the damn light switch in the bathroom fixed. The one in the laundry nook is not enough - it's too dark for me to notice how badly my legs need to be shaved, or how seriously I need to consider plucking the ol' eyebrows. I know it'd only take the maintenance guy like 10 minutes to fix, but I'm embarassed at the unclean state of my apartment.

Dammit, dad, why do you have to visit?!

Oh yeah... free expensive meal ^__^

Update: Isis was fine. Apparently, it was her aftermarket gas cap that made the EMISSIONS MALFUNCTION light go on. Talk about overly dramatic. All day in the shop, over some idiot gas cap.

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