Monday, June 25, 2007


You know what sucks?

Not having a single friend in town for a goodly portion of the summer.

I mean, I'd probably be bored in New York, too, but at least at my old crappy job, I'd be around some of my buddies. As well as too many stupid high school students who also decided to be counselors. Never mind. At least now I have a little green planty material to keep myself a little amused.

Though counseling is more fun than excel spreadsheets, which I'm only doing because the folks at the Learning Center can't do anything with me. Volunteering is kind of lame sometimes. Especially the "no pay" part.

Saw the Mets play an amazing game on satuday night, though. Thank dog, I only bought three concessions (Dippin' Dots in spiffy souvenir helnet cup, bringing my total collection to 4 - $5.50; pretzel - $4; Brooklyn Ale - $7.25 I will be damned if I'm going to pay $6.75 for a Bud Lite when good beer is available at an even more ridiculous price) because I think the prices are getting even more outrageous than usual.


Paul said...

I know the feeling. Back in 2000, I was working in Tampa where I knew no one but my cow-orkers, and most of them not so well. I actually dreaded weekends because I had all this time to fill up doing . . . what?

A couple weekends, I did drive over to the east coast where I knew some folks.

And LC came down for Washington's Birthday weekend.

BTW, that is a cute pic of you and Mr. S.

kevingrout said...

Hiya slicey

Sorry you're feeling lonely. If I was anywhere near by, I'd come visit you.

I saw this t-shirt online today and thought of you immediately. They have some other cool designs, but I laughed at this one in particular:

Hang in there!