Monday, November 10, 2008

a couple good things.

Thing #1:

The gentleman I went out with a couple nights ago. We have since had two more evenings (stretching way, way into the night) that have been just wonderful. I am trying not to rush things, but this is going so, so very well. He wants me to be his lady-friend. We are not putting any official titles on each other, but this could potentially lead somewhere.

The man got my joke about Polish Scrabble (the W's and Z's being worth negative points - read a little Polish and you'll see what I mean), and has beat me twice at regular-Scrabble (he has scored on some real jerk-words, too. He turned "mace" into "grimace", and then into "grimaces", which got him 36 points. Also, he beat me single-handedly with the word "proxy" on triple-word score). He is a hardcore Dan and Genesis fan. He has played in a Toto cover band. He is so smart, and he makes me both laugh my ass off and smile like I have had the best day ever.

I have had the best weekend ever.

Thing #2:

I got my first crock pot, since I am such a lazy turd that I would rather my food cook itself. I am attempting some beef stew today, and I am praying it will not be awful.


Paul said...

Are you SURE this guy isn't Michael McDonald?

Tummy said...

Lol at Cyg!

Glad you're having a good time Slicey. Anyone that can make a person laugh and smile is good to have around.

Anything's better than burgers right. Wait - is that a smoke alarm I hear? *snort

Julia said...

Hell, Tummy. You are going to it.

The stew actually came out great - I now have guaranteed dinner available for 3 nights. WOO! leftovers!

Anonymous said...

I am having beef stew today for lunch that I got from a crock pot recipe book. It is awesome.

Crock pots rock. I have two, and I actually have pork chops cooking in one today.

Try the book:

Fix It and Forget It:

Tummy said...

hee hee hee :)

Tomorrow I am fixing crockpot Beef Bourguignon just because of you. Or, maybe I will fix hamburgers and hit test on the smoke alarm just for you.

Love leftovers!

Bravie said...

Congrats on the successful dates. Glad to hear it.

kim (weltek) said...

Aww, he sounds perfect for you!!!