Tuesday, November 18, 2008


1) Obvious joy at having found a wonderful gentleman. I am loving the nerd factor. I FINALLY beat him at Scrabble the other day (on some jerk-words, like the ones he occasionally uses). On two consecutive nights, we watched Star Trek IV (the one with the whales), and Star Trek II (Wrath of Khan), and he seems to tolerate my love for Chekov. Of course, now we keep saying "nuclear wessels" to each other. If you do not get this, you should be thankful. It will genuinely be tough to go home for Thanksgiving, because it means 5-6 days without seeing him. So this is what a "normal" relationship feels like.

2) I am loving the hell out of my crock pot. Except for the fact that 90% of recipes seem to involve beans, cheese, butter, or cream-of-something soup. I can't eat those things, people! Why the dearth of relatively healthy eats for the slow-cooker? I have been making lean-beef stew, which is not unhealthy, thank god, and I made some kind of lemon-garlic chicken and rice the other day, which was okay, but too lemony, perhaps. Next: chicken in marinara sauce. Couldn't be possible to screw that up.

3) Home stretch at school. On December 17th, my final paper for 19th century lit is due. I am terrified, because I am SO close to graduation that I can taste it (figuratively). I will have a MASTERS in like, a month. That blows my mind.

4) Teaching stuff... I have a math CLEP test to take on Friday because I have exactly 3 college math credits to my name (earned with AP calculus in high school) and I need 6 in order to get into the certification program. I am a math tutor (granted, the math on the SAT gets no more difficult that maybe 10th grade level at highest), but I am frightened by the prospect of having to remember how logarithms work. I have been studying off the internets, and this stuff is slow to come back. That said, I think I will probably pass (need a 50 of 60), and then I will likely get into the program. Which makes me happy, because it means I will have a future.

5) My finances are running low. A lot of my money was invested in Citigroup, which is worth about $10 a share now. It was around $50 a share like 18 months ago. BAD. I will need to look into substitute teaching, probably.


frodis said...

I love my crock pot, too. I don't use it nearly enough but I'm trying to make a goal of using it at least once a week. I failed last week, but I have high hopes for this week.

This is a great blog for crock pot recipes. She makes an attempt to be healthy but she's not super obsessed with it. She does a lot of gluten-free because I think someone in her family has a gluten sensitivity. She does use dairy sometimes but there are plenty of recipes that don't have any dairy.


Click the asian tag for some good ideas.

YAY on the new man!

Paul said...


I would say that beans, cheese, butter, or cream-of-something soup were my four basic food groups, but that omits pizza. :-)

Tummy said...

Julia's got a boyfriend, Julia's got a boyfriend..... :)

I made roast last week, poured coffee over it and the veggies with lots of spices. Best roast ever!

Puffy said...

I only use my crock pot once a year; to heat up sweet and sour meatballs for my New Year's Day party.

The new guy sounds perfect for you!

Good luck on the CLEP. A Master's already? It's gone so fast, for me at least.

Max Headroom said...

*waves to Julia*

Glad to see you're happy! I just hope your boyfriend isn't a Phillies fan...