Sunday, July 15, 2007

5 days...

Listening to: The Police - Canary in a Coalmine

In the past, my birthday has been an underwhelming mess of sorts. Bad weather is inevitable, with a 50/50 chance between disgustingly high temperature and humidity, and an enormous, flash-flood inducing thunderstorm. Every year, I've kept track of the weather, and there has yet to be an exception. Which is bad, considering...

I'm seeing the fucking Police as my 23rd birthday party.

Woot! This brings my concert total to a whopping two (three in September, when I see Genesis - ::glee::). I'm debating making a t-shirt specifically for the event, perhaps just a phrase from a song. If I get compliments, then the plan is to make multiple Genesis phrase shirts and attempt to sell them out of the back of the Element before that concert. It shouldn't be a massive investment or anything, since iron-on-letters and plain t-shirts don't cost that much... and the worse case scenario is a mass ebay dump.

::tsk:: silly student. You can't get rich fast.

So dog willing, the weather will be perfect, or at least, not-raining, come thursday. Pray for good weather, guys, I beg of you.


Paul said...

Sounds like fun!

Here's hoping you won't be standing there inside the pouring rain, with the world turning circles running 'round your brain . . .

Kimmah said...

i'm so very jealous. i almost went to bonaroo just to see them. i am crushed that i didn't take advantage of the chance.

you must provide full report.

oh, and happy birthday.