Monday, February 25, 2008


Listening to: the pounding in my skull

OW OW OW. I don't know where this recent spate of headaches has come from, but I never want to feel them again. It feels like it's based in my sinuses, but then it shifts over to my temples. It's like my head is being crushed all over.

Reading plenty today. I keep reading Beans: A World History, but I know I have to get reading on Heart of Darkness soon, since it's due on thursday. ::sigh:: Beans are more interesting, methinks. Called the Honda dealership today, too, and set up an appointment to get poor Isis looked at. The brakes sound awful (my dad noted that my four years of urban driving probably caused this), and my back wiper's shredded. Needless to say, my car is looking and sounding a little haggared, considering it's only 4 years old. Poor dear.

Getting way pumped for my reading on March 6th and my vacation on the 9th. I can't freakin' wait. It's gonna be awesome! Colorado in March is always gorgeous, and by then, Steve's 4th nephew will be among us. I've already volunteered to cook and babysit. Must make self look like family member - they already consider me one, but we're the young, unmarried couple - I guess it's a compensation thing.

1 comment:

Paul said...

*passes Julia 800 mg of ibuprofen*

*passes Julia a ballpeen hammer in case that doesn't work*