Friday, February 15, 2008

Remember a kind word.

Listening to: Kenna - Goodbye to Love

I should note that I'm going to make a concerted effort to start blogging again.

So yesterday, I met up with a couple members from my community literacy class group to plot how we were going to tackle today's class (we were leading discussion). As usual, if the subject at hand is not My Writing®, I get flummoxed and have difficulty trying to make my point acute and understandable. I was having some difficulty sifting through the relevant material in the book, but I did manage to cough up a couple decent discussion ideas.

I had to post something on the message board for class, thus fulfilling one of the course's requirements, and as such, I did, and relayed my lack of confidence to my buddy Lia, who is in my group with me. I said something Julia-esque, along the lines of "I feel like I'm too stupid to keep up with academic discourse."

Lia responded that I am much too hard on myself and that it's a relief that I think differently, and use a different vocabulary. Essentially, Julia, you're another kind of smart, and give yourself some fucking credit.

And you know what?

It's the nicest thing anyone's told me in a while. I thought I felt good about my writing. Now I feel good about being a little slow in grad-school classes.

::glee for confidence::

In addition to said-confidence-boost, my story about mushrooms was workshopped yesterday, to overwhelmingly positive reviews.

I think I've come into my own. It's amazing.

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