Thursday, April 24, 2008

Well, I did it.

Listening to: Steely Dan - King of the World

Yesterday, for the first time in dog knows how long, I posted my truest, most heartfelt feelings on the subject of politics and why I find them so repulsive. It's the pain they cause in peoples' hearts, and the divisions that arbitrarily make people hate each other, no matter what the rest of that person's actions and kindnesses might dictate.

And I got some very kind feedback, words that made me feel good for having an opinion and actually STATING it, rather than being a coy devil's advocate.

I'm not a coy devil's advocate. I am a proponent of the gray-area theory, the kind that implies that nobody truly has the perfect grasp of right and wrong, and that it isn't a good idea to assume anything about someone based on their politics. Someone may be pro-life and love their family, their neighbors, their life, and the lives of others. Someone may be anti-capitalist and have a great talent, or bring beauty to the world, or do something incredible that betters the lives of others.

Any person is capable of a great and wonderful thing, and I don't think that has anything to do with how one votes. It is a matter of following one's heart.

Disagree with someone, but do not assume you know anything about them based on their party affiliation.

I'm not some pot-smoking hippie.

I'm a writer, I'm a capitalist, I'm sarcastic, I cry, I have people I love, and I have nobody that I hate.


Unknown said...

I thought you WERE a pot-smoking hippie.

I also think you're pretty wise for one so young.

And I think you're pretty wonderful.

Julia said...

Heh... once you get to know me, you gradually realize that I'm quite not-a-hippie.

I love television, I drive an SUV, and I think dreadlocks on white people look appalling.

That, and I fucking hate Phish.