Monday, April 28, 2008

WTF, Old Navy?

Listening to: Hall and Oates - Say it Isn't So

Bleh. Why would anyone want to go out into the rain when they have no real reason to do so? I certainly don't.Today, my job consists of breaking in a slightly-too-small Old Navy polo, with hopes that it will never, ever shrink like so many of their other crappy products. I tried on the Large, and it was essentially a collared muu-muu for someone a good 30 lbs bigger than me. The medium, which I bought, is just tight enough that if I don't really stretch it out, a little bit of gut peeks through.

Not good.

You'd think sizing would be a little more, I don't know, slightly more sensible. Instead, we have "shirts for people with no boobs" and "shirts for the full-figured," and nothing for those of us who are in between.

I should really get rid of that gut, but short of lipo, I'm not sure how to get it to leave.


Puffy said...

I like your choice in music. Every time I see your March 3 post, I think it says "Rush Limbaugh" though.

I wear anything from a small 8 to a XL!

Nailbone said...

Same here. Bought some shorts at Old Navy. Mediums were WAY too small, larges were WAY too big. So I got the larges and wear a belt.