Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Listening to: Waiting For Guffman Soundtrack - "Stool Boom"

HA! One of the funniest movies ever. I mean, a frakkin' song about footstools? What's not to love?

So, "summer" is officially upon me, in the form of an education class. It's my first not-English class since May of 2006, and I am actually very relieved. I think I was generally getting completely bogged down by having to read and dissect books until they were no longer interesting. Granted, I've got to do that hardcore in the Fall, but in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy learning about how to effectively teach. I think it might qualify as "fun." Maybe I'll actually end up with a real job by the time I'm, oh, 26.

::le sigh::

One of my poet friends had a big writer-party on Saturday which was hell of fun. Lots of writers, writer-lovers, and hangers on; many were people I've been very tight with, and many were people I had never met before. I always like meeting the significant others of my fiction buddies, and I got to do as such. I'm contemplating dragging Steve to another such writer party in the near future. I just hope he's agreeable. He felt intimidated the last time I introduced him to some friends... that seems to happen from time to time. I've certainly sold him as being a great person, and fuck, even I can't keep up with the "educated" discussion that goes on most of the time. I tend to nod, eat, drink a beer, and look at the TV to see how the baseball game's going. But then, I'm a strange egg.

In the meantime, I need to find some short-term work. Given the intensity of this class I'm taking (not to mention its rather annoying hours of 5-8 pm, Tuesday and Thursday), it's going to be tough to find something I can do for some spare change. Mom suggested waitressing, which I have never done before. I have heard good and bad things. I'm quite personable, but I have a brain like a colander, when it comes to memorizing things, and very poor balance.

On a side note, I seem to keep gaining weight, according to WiiFit. Granted, I thought it was a little off when it weighed me the first time (about 7 or 8 pounds off...), but come on, I'm workin' my butt off!

The yoga and strength-training parts are getting a lot easier now. I think that's something to be proud of. I actually feel a bit more flexible.


Tummy said...

Happy summer Slicey!

It'll be good to work a different area of your brain this summer and take a break from reading/writing.

On the job front, waitressing may help get rid of any extra pounds :) and improve your balance. I can see you with orthopedic shoes and a frilly white apron, heehee.

One thing about waitressing is the hours are flexible, that's always a good thing.

and btw - thanks to you I'm really considering the Wii and WiiFit. I'll let you know later if the thanks stands or I should give you a *demonwhack :)

Bravie said...

Wii Fit was sold out everywhere that I went today. Hrmph.
*snort* at Tummy suggesting orthopedic shoes and a frilly apron.

Paul said...

*pictures Slicey telling customers to "kiss her grits"* :-)

I know of some part-time weekend and overnight work you could get in Wayne if you like. Let me know.

I'm glad you enjoy running around with the writer crowd. Me, I just never fit in, so I hung out with the Computer Science nerds instead.

I'm scared to think of how much I weigh, although my work outside with the pressure washer may have mitigated things somewhat. I'm sure you're in far better shape than I.