Monday, August 27, 2007

It begins... redux

Listening to: Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder

Well, today, I step into my first undergraduate class since spring of '06. I'll be the lone grad student in a huge lecture, but I've got the prof on my side. I just need to figure out how to actually enroll in it, in spite of my grad-student status. It's not going to make my schedule very flexible - looks like I'll be going to school a lot more than I thought I'd be this semester, plus scheduling in work-time... I'll be lucky if I have any spare time at all. Like a normal student.

I'm going to have to work my butt off, and I don't really know how. This could be trouble.

I have to get a SEPTA pass. That's the only way I'm going to be able to afford this. I guess I could walk to work, through the terrible neighborhood, several blocks away.


Paul said...

Do you remember your locker combination?

(In my Catholic elementary school, we didn't have lockers. I just thought it was so wild when I went to one year at a public middle school when the locks were built into the lockers. I know, little things amuse little minds.)

kim (weltek) said...

It will be hard to juggle the undergrad and grad classes, but you can do it. You'll be fine. Just try hard to keep up with the homework for the undergrad class.