Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sand in the what, now?

Listening to: Dead or Alive - You Spin Me

Wow - exhilirating weekend in LI. Went to the beach not once, but twice. I even made it through wearing the bikini not once, but twice. As predicted, I had the usual boob-poppage, but that didn't end up being a problem. I survived my first real swim in the ocean in almost a decade without any issues, although sand ended up in the usual places. It now lines the drain of Steve's bathtub. Dog-willing, there won't be any major plumbing upsets as a result (I doubt I mentioned this earlier, but his toilet more or less exploded in... July or June or something - I was home for the entire ordeal).

I didn't realize how much I missed being buffeted by the admittedly short waves of the Atlantic. I had such a bad scare from being sucked under a massive Maui wave when I was 11 that I barely went into the Ocean at all thereafter (I did go snorkeling in some calmer waters when I was 15, and I did a little sea-kayaking when I was 18), and having Steve there with me definitely calmed what fears I had. I know how much he hates being in the sun, so it was especially awesome.

So I'm home now, with no real work for about a week. School starts soon, and I really don't want to think about it, although the prospect of no longer being the department's BABY (man, I hated that - my first semester's creative writing prof called me that and I hated her for it) is something I do look forward to. I just feel kind of bad that they'll have to deal with that beastly woman now.

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