Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just say the word... ohhhhh

Listening to: Phil Collins - Sussudio

((side note: man, does that song permeate your whole body when you hear it... you sing along, you dance like a fuckhead, and you momentarily find Phil Collins to be awesome.

Although it's no In the Air Tonight.))

Well, off to LI today. To the first event this year which has me in a bikini. I'm scared. Very, very scared. I've put on too much weight for most of my old board shorts (my one "fat" pair still fits very comfortably, but that hardly makes me feel better), half my tattoos haven't been displayed in public, and I have a legitimate concern about my boobs popping out should I even consider entering the pool. It's awfully difficult to find a bathing suit that fits an ample-chested woman without it being either a Speedo or something with a skirt that is meant to be worn with a bathing cap studded with daisies.

Steve's response to my fear was pretty kind - he did remind me that he's going to be "the hairy guy." Still, nobody wants to be the chick with the gunt whose boobs fell out.

Man... all this insecurity after Dr. Weiss tells me I'm losing weight. But I did use the restroom five minutes before I weighted myself yesterday, so it could've been a fluke.

Why can't they make exercise more fun? If there was a lap pool around here, I'd be in it daily, but such is not the case. I'm not even sure where the pool at Temple is. I should probably ask about that.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I think you'd be cute in something with a skirt that is meant to be worn with a bathing cap studded with daisies!

But that's just me.