Friday, August 31, 2007

Political SHIT.

This will be one of those rare posts of mine where I'll truly vent.

I fucking hate American politics, particularly from my position as a no-party-enthusiast. I'm in this craptastic position where I HAVE to declare hatred for one side or the other, or I'm considered a drain as a person.

"Why won't you vote, Julia?"

Because I hate shitheads. I'm not about to elect one. Nobody speaks for me at all. I'm a gray-area person, and that's not allowed these days. You have to hate the president or love the president; you have to hate the democrats or hate the republicans. But nobody represents me at all.

There's a reason why it's called "knee-jerk." If you react with smugness and assholery, you're a smug asshole JERK. Making jokey little jibes at people who you don't agree with is just a dick thing to do, and my respect-o-meter's needle has completely fallen off for those who would rather make a snide elbowing-aside remark than express your feelings in a sane, adult manner. Political arguments make me physically sick, because I know that the maturity level is almost certain to drop to an 8th-grade level.

So I'm not going to vote because I don't want to, and your stupid little asides make me hate you, liberal or conservative.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Believe it or not, I may sit out the '08 election or vote for a thrid party candidate. I'd rather be accused of helping elect the person who wins than voting against my conscience.