Friday, August 31, 2007

The week is over

Listening to: Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom

My first week of school hath drawn to a close. And you know, it hasn't been too rough. The undergrad class has been extremely easy to follow, which I kind of anticipated (I know that there are kids in that class who were born in '88... KIDS!) and my workshop went well - there are three new kids in it, and I'm excited to see how they write. Maybe it'll be a nice change from what I'm used to. Some new material, that sort of thing. I made a new friend yesterday, a first-year poetry guy named Joey, who, thank dog, is a baseball fan, so he didn't mind me screaming at the tv in the bar yesterday.

My work schedule's not as bad as I thought it might be - I'll be working three days a week. Monday and wednesday nights, and tuesday afternoons (admittedly, the tuesday scheduling was based entirely around the Genesis concert that's coming up in a couple weeks, but it's fine. I don't do anything on tuesdays anyway) and a shitload of meetings in the next couple weeks.

I'm getting my work done, my writing's flowing for once, and I'm going to New York this weekend to see Steve and my folks.

Life? is good.

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