Saturday, July 05, 2008


Listening to: Steely Dan - The Last Mall

I finished the paper. 20 minutes before it was due.

Go Julia!

Other thing:

My college buddy, James, was just in town for a visit. It was nice to see him - it had been nearly two years since I had seen him last, and it was a pleasure to catch up with him. In the day and a half he was here, we managed to have one delicious dinner at a local pub (he, a catfish BLT, I, a flank-steak salad) with great beers, a couple more beers, and a cheapie not-quite-brunch at a nearby restaurant; it was also good because I HAD SOMEONE WITH WHOM TO SEE FIREWORKS!

It was putrid last night - lots of rain and humidity, and a large number of thousands of people, all carrying large umbrellas and obstructing my view. Thankfully, I had the very tall James to hold an umbrella over my head. The fireworks were good, although not spectacular - I guess it's never as fun when there's driving rain involved.

The fam's gonna be in town today, so we can all go to the Mets-Philthies game tonight. I'm psyched, although the likelihood of rain/thunder isn't a pleasant prospect... oh well. I never blow off a good Mets game ^__6


Puffy said...

I never understood humidity or rain in the summer. I saw fireworks on the 2nd and 4th of July. Both were fantastic! I also recorded the Boston Pops and Macy's New York fireworks shows on TV.

Tummy said...

Glad you got the paper finished!

and catching up with a friend you haven't seen in a while is great. Glad you had company for the fireworks but sorry it was raining.