Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sweet Success - And New York, too!

Listening to: Ben Folds Five - Jackson Cannery

This Kaplan thing is going well. I think I've finally sort-of got the hang of teaching "the Kaplan way", and I've found that I'm still pretty sharp with my math, in spite of not taking a class in... jeepers, 6 years? It's so weird to be teaching math. I've been doing nothing but English for a while now, and it's strange to think that I'm qualified for this sort of thing. Mom says I should try and get a math teaching job, since those are in high demand. I quickly reminded her that

a) If I wanted to teach public school, I would need a certificate - which would require taking, oh, 33 additional credit hours of college math. No thanks


b) If I wanted to teach private school, chances are, they'd be a million times more likely to take someone who has a background in, oh, let's say "math", not English. Or social studies, for that matter (undergrad in anthropology).

Maybe I could work in a city public school - but likely not, since that kind of stress would absolutely kill me.

Anyway, to the point: I am racking up crazy hours in prep and practice mode for this job, so far 12 hours of practice and 11 hours prep. That's a lot of money right there. It's nice to make an income again ^__^.

Oh, and I'm going to New York tomorrow night - Wall-E! Then on Saturday, a ballgame with Max Headroom & co. and Steve! Then, off to the fam's house for a brief visit, and back home on Sunday. Must leave out extra food bowl for qats.


kim (weltek) said...

I didn't know you got the job-Congrats!!!!! Kudos to you for doing the math teaching. That's gotta be tough.

I just saw this question in Yahoo Answers and had to share:

Baking cupcakes. HELP!!!!!?
ok, so i'm gonna bake cupcakes, and i'm using a cake mix, and on the back it has a chart and it says:
Pan Size:2 -8in.=33-36 mins.
24 cupcakes=18-21 mins..

ok, well i'm using a 12 cupcake pan thing, and idk which one of these to use!!!
which one do i use?!?!?
the size of the cupcake pan is 13x9 in, but it's not gonna be a cake. its for cupcakes, and it has 12 cupcake things, and on the box it says for 24 cupcakes. i'm soooo cunfused! which one of those times do i use????

Julia said...

Oh man.

Yahoo Answers is the fun that never stops.

Tummy said...

I didn't know you got the job either. Yay for you!

Public school where you live would kill me too, teaching in a country bumpkin school not too much.

Around here once you get your degree you can test for a certificate in any field and you don't have to take extra credits. We are hurting for teachers.

Have fun with the gang this weekend and yes don't forget those cats!