Monday, July 14, 2008


Listening to: Meet the Mets (1967 version)

Two straight shut-outs against the Rox. Pelfrey pitching amazing. NINE FUCKING WINS IN A ROW.

THESE are your 2008 New York Mets, ladies and gents. These is the team I have wanted since I saw Spring Training. Everyone's producing, and I officially like Mike Pelfrey. He has emerged from a horrible shadow of an early few starts (bad bad bad ones) and been stellar. 8 shutout innings. 3 double-plays.

YES! Only .5 game back from the Philthies!

My dad and sister are off to the Home Run derby tomorrow. Nobody to represent us there (Oh, how I wish I were there to see David Wright's outing a couple years ago... so dreamy... so awesome), but it's a super fun event that I always watch. This year, the power's to be found in the NL - and I'm thinking of ::biting bullet hard:: cheering for handsome Chet Utley. He's the only Philthie I like, so I suppose it makes sense.

But 2 of my boys are suiting up this year for the all-star game. Go NL!


Paul said...

Meet the Mets, meet the Mets, step right up and greet the Mets!

(Although I'm still not over '69.)

Tummy said...
